makeup by Priscilla

Privacy Policy

Concerning the privacy of your data

Last updated 28/02/2020

Makeup by Priscilla is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information (personal data) received about you. We will endeavour to adhere to the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). 

The purpose of this notice is to explain to you what personal data we collect, how we may use it, your rights over it, how we keep it secure, and how to complain about our use of it. 

Your rights as an individual under the GDPR include: 

•  the right to be informed – about any aspect of the data held

•  the right of access 

•  the right to rectification – accuracy of the information held 

•  the right to erasure – you can request your data is removed (known as the ‘right to be forgotten’) 

•  the right to restrict processing 

•  the right to data portability – you are entitled to a copy of your data in a common electronic format, for example a .csv file) 

•  the right to object to automated decision-making, for example: profiling purposes 

•  the right to complain – you can lodge a complaint with the ICO 

How we collect and use your personal information

We collect and store limited data on our Clients only sufficient to enable us to conduct our services. Details are kept in a database, spreadsheet format – comprising: 

•  Name 

•  Address 

•  Telephone Number/s 

•  Email Address

•  Imagery/Photography: 

Any individual images/photographs taken will only be published on our Website, in print media, or on social media, if we obtain your express permission.  Your consent is required in a written format. 
The database is only made available to appointed individuals that need to access the information held for specific purposes.

We do not sell, share, or exchange your personal data with any third party for any reason, except if required to do so by law. 

You can ask us what personal data we hold on you at any time, free of charge. 

How long we retain your personal information 

Your personal data is retained for as long as is necessary in order to conduct our services. 
In the absence of any legal requirements, personal data will only be retained whilst you remain a Client. Data will be erased if you withdraw consent to the data being processed or held and request it be erased, except where any data may be required to be held by law. 

How we maintain the security of your personal information 

We strive to protect the personal data of Clients, stored in a computer database, to prevent unauthorised access. 
User Names and Passwords are required to be used by all Individuals who are given permission to access the data.  We recommend that strong Passwords are utilised and changed regularly. 
You will be notified of any breach in the security of your personal data by either accidental or deliberate causes, without undue delay.  Where required, in respect of certain types of breach identified, we will comply with the GDPR and report to the appropriate authority within the regulatory 72 hours. 
A personal data security breach is defined as leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. 

How to complain 

If you have a complaint about our use of your personal data, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) via their website: 

How to contact us 

If you have any questions about privacy or about any aspect in connection with your personal data, you can contact us via our contact us form in below or Email:


If this Privacy Notice is updated for any reason, the publication date shown at the top of the page will reflect the date the changes were made. 

makeup by Priscilla only uses the best quality makeup products and accessories