Why choose makeup by Priscilla for your makeup consultation and tutorial
Why Make up by Priscilla... have you ever felt this way?
  • You are a novice to makeup, unsure about shades and textures and how to apply.
  • You are not fond of the idea of visiting a makeup counter. 
  • You have 10 mins in the morning to do a quick makeup, but how?
  • You are a makeup lover and want to refresh your skills. 

We can all relate to some of the above. Certainly from the experience of speaking to many ladies across a range of ages, these seem to be some of the most commonly faced challenges.  Yet tailored personal tutorials don't seem to be very accessible at beauty salons or provided by most makeup artists.

Makeup by Priscilla offers you a tailored makeup tutorial specifically designed to suit you
What does Makeup by Priscilla offer you?

Makeup by Priscilla offers makeup consultancy and tutorials for non professional individuals on a one-to-one or one-to-a-small-group basis, tailored to your requirements.

  • Privacy, comfort and confidence

First of all, you will be in a totally private and relaxing environment, be it our studio or your home, so the risk of being 'seen' in public by friends or colleagues is removed. We are very good listeners and will provide you with the best advice based on our discussion. 

  •  ZERO pressure for making any purchases

We do not sell or promote any brands or products, we can recommend you a list of makeup products, tools and accessories that we have used on the day. You can then choose which, when and where to purchase in your own time. 

If you are a complete novice, we will teach you the basics of makeup from prep & prime, colour matching, colour correcting and the essential techniques of applying makeup. We will discuss what type of makeup suits you and will do a full demonstration at the end.

  • Refresh your makeup skills

You are already experienced in applying makeup but, due to changes to your skin from ageing or other circumstances, you would like refresh your skills and review your own makeup products and practises. We can certainly help you to find areas for improvement. 

About Priscilla Clayton, makeup artist

A little bit about Priscilla Clayton

I was born and bred in China, where girls in school weren't allowed any makeup. Things might be a little different now, but back when I was growing up, it was forbidden and frowned upon. Being beautiful was deemed as a distraction to your study. All girls were dressed in dull school clothing and makeup was a wild dream that was always out of reach. I discovered my passion for makeup when I hit my early teens. I came across a TV show in which a celebrity makeup  artist  demonstrated some amazing transformations from makeup application and I was instantly hooked up. The first lipstick I ever owned and used was a Maybeline which was purchase in 1997, the first year in my University - maybe I finally thought I was worth it!

After graduation in China, I came to England and pursued further eduction in the University of Leicester and embarked on my 13 years of E-commerce and Marketing career until I had my son. Life circumstance changed drastically and I decided to take a bold move to pursue my childhood dream which I am still passionate about. No time wasted, I enrolled in a full time makeup course with DFMA, renowned for being one of the best makeup academies in the UK. I was trained by some of the top makeup artists specialising in bridal makeup, TV & Fashion show makeup, and celebrity red carpet makeup. The initial thought was to improve my own makeup skills. Post the graduation, I realised that my true passion lies in teaching and sharing my skills. Similarly I have been enjoying teaching as a Lesmills Bodycombat instructor - both pursuits offer me the happiness derived from helping others to transform into a better version of themselves.

I am a true animal lover who supports and donates to many animal charities. On my doorstep you will find an unlimited supply of bird food in industrial sized feeders!  I am also a complete, happy slave to two family cats.